Bollywood actress Malaika Arora Khan has been roped to do the item song in Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming Telugu film "Gabbar Singh" and now the latest buzz is that the hot actress was reportedly paid Rs 1 Crore to do the item song in the film. Earlier the filmmakers were approached several heroines for the item song and finally Malaika was roped in.Gabbar Singh is a remake of Hindi film Dabangg. In the original version also Malaika did the item song "Munni Badnam Hui", which rocked the the nation with her sizzling performance in that song.Now she is romancing with Pawan Kalyan in an item song in Gabbar Singh.In Telugu version, Devi Sri Prasad has come up with his own tune for the original song, Munni Badnam Hui.
Sruthi Hassan is the heroine in Gabbar Singh and it is being directed by Harish Shankar and Ganesh Babu is the producer.
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