Amitabh Bachchan has confirmed that he is doing Vidhu Vinod Chopra's next production. The story which is apparently very close to Chopra's heart is in the development stages and he has handed the directorial reins of the project to Bejoy Nambiar who had earlier directed Shaitan and David. Bachchan had earlier worked in Chopra's 2007 drama Eklavya: The Royal Guard. The actor had played Eklavya, a fiercely royal guard whose only aim was to protect Devigarh, a centuries old citadel in Rajasthan, its dynasty, and the king. The project was produced and directed by Chopra. The director-producer is currently producing the Aamir Khan starrer P.K. with Rajkumar Hirani and has wrapped up the shooting of his first Hollywood project Broken Horses. Apparently Farhan Akhtar has also been signed for the film but he did not revert to our message.
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