Actress Minissha Lamba, who plays a reality TV show producer in “Bheja Fry 2″, says she took inspiration from Ekta Kapoor to prepare for her character and dedicates it to the TV tsarina.
“I was inspired by Ekta, I thought of her when I was conceptualising this character because everybody knows the success story but the hard work that one puts in is unknown,” Minissha told reporters here Tuesday.
“Sometimes it happens that you are just a few steps away from success but you fail. You come with a value system but end up compromising. It is like you are being tested all the time. I really took inspiration from that phase. So I wanted to dedicate this character to a woman who revolutionised the television industry, in fact, she has made the television industry in India,” she added.
The actress was here to promote “Bheja Fry 2″ which releases Friday and was accompanied by her co-star Vinay Pathak.
Although she would be a reality show producer in the film, the actress said she wouldn’t mind being a part of one. “I wouldn’t mind being a part of a reality show but it should be appealing,” she said.
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