Despite a few top Telugu actresses making inroads into Bollywood recently, only Kajal Agarwal has managed to make it big as far as pan Indian recognition is concerned. And that is evident by her endorsements.
The Singham star, who survived stiff competition from B-town stalwarts like Anushka Sharma and Sonakshi Sinha to hold on to her existing endorsements of Lux and Panasonic, has now been signed on for another panIndian brand, Dabur.
Top companies always go in for the current flavour of the season as their brand ambassadors and the Magadheera star is rocking the advertising world and is far ahead of Ileana, Tamanna and Hansika who have to be content with single pan-Indian endorsements. “She comments. “She has just finished shooting for a commercial for Dabur.
It will go on air from January end,“ says a source.
“With her brand value in the South going strong, companies want to cash in on her pan-Indian popularity as she is a popular actress with a wide acceptance,“ adds the source.
With her increasing portfolio, Kajal's fees, too, have gone up three to four times.
She reportedly pocketed more than Rs 1 crore for her latest assignment. In comparison, her pay cheque for Hindi films hovers around Rs 40 lakh.
“Brand endorsements have become part and parcel of an actress' career and my Bollywood stint opened up new vistas,“ says Kajal.
After Genelia, who ruled the roost by endorsing eight to nine brands at her peak, it's now Kajal's turn to rule the roost.
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